You Can Always Find Light In The Darkest Moments - with James Hawley


Challenges force us to retreat sometimes, but if we have patience, and the right mindset, then we soon come to realise that we can push forward once more, and overcome .

The best of the best know that in order to be ready to take advantage of opportunities, you must always be match fit. This is why training and development must be an ongoing thing.

When dark moments arrive in life, it can often be a blessing in disguise. The paths we are forced to tread can lead us towards new ventures and openings that we may have missed.

When we put ourselves in the public eye, we open ourselves up to a whole new world of criticism. This requires a whole new level of mental strength.


Be Brave, Be Confident, Never Give Up: An Actor's Journey with Josh Myers


Life's A Better Ride If You Follow Your Heart - with Mr Cenz