Finding The Will To Deal With Any Challenge - with Chloe McNiven
Chloe is the epitome of someone who takes a negative and turns it into a positive, and has it her mission to help others and do good in the world. In this week's show, Chloe tells you all about how and why it's the way forward for everybody.
We take inspiration from those who do astounding things. In turn, we provide inspiration to those who need it. It's a chain reaction that helps others to get through the tough times.
When challenge strikes, we all have a choice. We can let it beat us, or we can rise to face it. In that moment, the person you become is the authentic you.
All we can ever hope for in life, is the opportunity to do good, to be the best we can be, and to serve others. This is the guaranteed formula for happiness.
Pain is never a bad thing. Pain is the reminder of where we don't want to be. Pain is the thing that guides you away from failure.